Are you thinking about getting your house pressure washed? or have you already scheduled a pressure washer to come out? If either case is true, there are going to be a few things that you are going to want to do before the pressure washing company shows up. In this article, you will learn how to prepare your house for you upcoming pressure washing service.

Is It Necessary To Prep For Pressure Washing?
Although there are some pressure washing companies that will offer to prep your property for service, most pressure washing companies do not offer to prep simply because the responsibility for most prep falls on the homeowner. Most of the prep has to be taken care by someone who is responsible for the items around the exterior of the home and entry points who is typically the homeowner, or landlord, and in some cases the tenant.
Understanding The Pressure Washing Service
Before you can prepare for any pressure washing services, you must first understand the details of that service. Every type of pressure washing service may be different and require specific prep related to that service. A house wash service will require a different type of prep than getting your driveway washed. You should speak with the company and see what they require for prep. Most well organized companies will have specifics that they will go over with you for your chosen service. If your chosen company has failed to provide this vital information, this article will help you prepare regardless of the company you hire.
Step By Step Guide To Preparing Your House
Here are the specifics that Pressure Worx likes to address with our clients to ensure a quality pressure washing service and happy clients.
Sealing windows to prevent leaks
Sealing your windows may seem obvious, but we have encountered many times when washing houses that leaving a window cracked is more common than we thought. During the summer it's less likely that you forget that a window is open but during spring and autumn when the weather is so nice it can easily be forgotten. You should check every window in the house and make sure they are properly latched and sealed.

Covering Electrical Outlets
Covering your electrical outlets is of the utmost importance because open outlets can cause your gfci outlet to blow or worse start an electrical fire. Spraying water and chemicals on your house is the only way to clean your house effectively and the last thing you want to do is have to call an electrician to come and fix your outlet. Water is already conductive, but the active ingredient to clean houses, Sodium Hypochlorite, is much more conductive and should not be sprayed directly at any open source of electricity. It is vital that you make sure the outlets are covered with outlet cover.
Moving Potted Plants
Potted plants can provide a lot of beauty to your home but they are more likely to become damaged than other plants rooted in the ground during a pressure washing service. Small plants are more delicate and should be moved away from all surfaces planned on being cleaned.
Moving Outdoor Furniture And Decor
Your outdoor furniture and decor may need to be moved. Decor that is loosely secured should be moved away from areas being cleaned. This list can include, rugs, mats, tables, chairs, trash cans, decorations, windchimes, grills, garden gnomes, and more. Anything that is on or around the surface being cleaned should be taken into consideration and moved if possible.

Moving Vehicles
Moving your vehicles is usually required if they are not kept inside a garage. If your vehicle is in the driveway, it should moved away from your house about 20 feet to give the pressure washer enough room to work and move his hose without incident. If you are getting your driveway cleaned, you should move your vehicle to the street or another area not getting cleaned.
Trimming Trees And Hedges
Trees growing near your house can prevent a pressure washer from being able to spray your siding and causing some spots to be missed. Overgrown trees and shrubbery should be trimmed to get the most out of your house washing service.

Mowing Your Lawn
Keeping your yard mowed will ensure that you are providing a safe place for the pressure washing company to perform their job. They are able to give you a better service when they are not tripping over stuff in tall grass. They are there to wash your house and keeping your yard maintained will allow them not to worry about snakes in the tall grass and focus on washing the house.
Protecting Your Pets
If you have pets, you may have pet toys, water and food bowls, and other pet accessories that your pets use often. You should take care to put these items up as they could cause harm if they were to become in contact with certain pressure washing chemicals. Most pressure washers use bleach to clean organic matter and is only active while wet. Bowls should be thoroughly rinsed if they have been in contact with bleach.

Removing Window Screens
While removing window screens are not necessarily a requirement, it can enhance your house wash experience. The screens will prevent dirt build up from being cleaned from the sills of the window. By removing the window screens, the pressure washing company can spray the seals removing most of the build up.
You have learned more about how to prepare your house for pressure washing. You now know what items need to be moved away from the house, what things need to be done to prevent damage, and what things need to be done to make sure you are getting the most out of your pressure washing service.
If you have found this article helpful please share this with someone you know who wants to get their house washed. Also, if you have anything you think should be added, please leave a comment and share your thoughts!